Lots of handmade guitars from some of the best guitar makers in EU on Guitar Summit in Mannheim / Germany.
Below you can see an extract of some of the guitars brought to the show by some of the guitar makers we work with on VintageandRare.com : VuorenSaku Guitars, Deimel Guitarworks, Zerberus Guitars, Springer Guitars, PMC Guitars, Franfret Guitars, Bacce Custom Guitars and Hans Guitars
Some of these are for sale on Vintage & Rare too, so please do not hesitate to contact us or any of the builders if you are interested in one (or more) of them. If it´s already sold, the builder will be happy to discuss building one (or more) especially for you. Please take a look below and please leave a comment in the section below the pics.

Bacce Custom Guitars

Bacce Custom Guitars

Bacce Custom Guitars

Bacce Custom Guitars

Bacce Custom Guitars

Bacce Custom Guitars