Tag Archives: Phil Nixon

V&R Proudly Presents Bass Gear Ltd (UK)

We have had the pleasure of meeting our friend and partner Phil Nixon who is the owner the shop Bass Gear Ltd based in Twyford, in the outskirts of London. As the shop name suggests, it is exclusively dedicated to dealing with bass guitars and other bass gear.

At Vintage & Rare we are very happy to work with Bass Gear since their philosophy harmonize very well with ours. In the spirit of Vintage & Rare, Bass Gear focuses on bass guitars that are generally hard to find. This typically involves low volume production brands as well as iconic vintage basses. Bass Gear does not stock just anyting, but only what fits within this philosophy. Visit Bass Gear on Vintage & Rare to view a selection of world class basses for sale.

In the short video clips below you can watch Phil present himself, his shop and not least some  incredibly fine basses. Enjoy!
