Balls Effects, USA USA


What It Is.


Balls Effects produces 100% handmade effects for guitar and bass and whatever else you think sounds wicked running through them. My whole plan is to keep things simple.  All of the best sounds ever committed to record were made using the most basic effects and amps, which were all finely tuned old-school machines and sounded fantastic.  So why fuck it up?  Balls Effects are built with that in mind and try to capture as much of the old sonic charm as possible, while still holding to what is practical and necessary in the modern world.  Expect to see representations of the old classics with a few modern twists and turns.


Who The Hell.


Balls originates from a long running nickname, Dr. Tony Balls.  I’ve had a gear-obsession for longer than I care to remember.  That has grown into building my own things and I’ve been building pedals, amplifiers, and assorted electronics for many years now.  Ive done builds for touring musicians, studios, and local, national and international customers, alike.



Balls Effects, USA

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