Pagelli Gitarrenbau , Switzerland
About: «Pagelli Guitars» is the family business of Claudio and Claudia Pagelli. For the most part, Claudia is responsible for the designs that Claudio then works to bring to life in the playable and incredible sounding instruments they produce. The Pagellis build about 10 instruments a year and never shy away from a challenge. The majority of the instruments are special orders from discriminating customers with whom the Pagellis work together to create very personal instruments that represent the individual's musical and aesthetic visions. Claudio Pagelli himself worked as a professional guitarist, producer and recording engineer, and the instruments have not only received attention because of their looks! Contact: Pagelli Gitarrenbau , Switzerland Pagelli Guitars Claudio+Claudia Pagelli CH-7000 Chur Switzerland Fon +41 (0)79 460 98 83 Terms & conditions: It
is impossible to say a fixed price, |