Vintage Cabinets
Celestion Fender Fender Framus Amps FranknTone Amps Fuchs Glockenklang Magnatone Matamp Orange TT-Cabs

Vintage Cabinets Amps For sale
Vintage Cabinets Amps For sale
Cabinets are designed for bass and guitar, and have been used in live performances for decades. They have very large speaker output devices that can hugely increase performances amplification. They tend to be able to record music, and some cabinets have built in goose necks for a microphone. They can vary in size and weight but tend to have a neck handle to carry the cabinet safely.
There are a lot of cabinets available that very in size, weight material and much more. Cabinets are very sturdy, usually being enclosed in a type of steel or metal for extra protection. They hugely increase amplification and are typically used at live concerts and performances. Compact cabinets can also be available. offers a great range of cabinets for bass and guitar, for sale at good prices from our vendors. They are critical for bands and can balance the level of amplification well so that no music is drowned out. Can’t find the cabinet you want? Remember to regularly check back at as our offers update often.