Vintage Flanger
Arion Effects Boston Coron Dod Electro Harmonix Electro-Harmonix Pearl Rozz Yamaha

Vintage Flanger Effects For sale
Flanger’s are developed products of the delay & echo applications. They are more detailed in the delay differences and frequencies, and can do most of the things that delay and echo products can do. Flanger’s were developed in the early 1990’s and have a special feature that delay & echo products can’t do.
Flanger’s can mix the exact same signals together, with one typically being around about 20 milliseconds behind. The time the second signal is delayed by changes over a gradual period to create a sweeping comb effect, still commonly used in modern music
So if a flanger sounds like something you want, to add a more distinguished effect to your music, check our listings here at We have lots of flangers available for sale from our vendors, and one could be a great aspect to add to your music collection. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Remember to regularly check back here at as our listings update regularly.