Danelectro Fuzz Effects For sale
Nathan Daniel got his start by making amplifiers for Epiphone, but left to open Danelectro in 1947. He soon began creating guitars for a number of major distributors in the United States under a variety of names. Danelectro guitars were sold under the name of Airline (for Montgomery Ward), Silvertone (for Sears), and Danelectro. Almost ten years later, Danelectro guitars came to have a certain look about them, as Daniel introduced some uniformity to his models, including poplar wood and “lipstick tube” pickups.
Many great artists have played a Danelectro, including Billy Bragg, Syd Barrett, Eric Clapton, George Harrison, John Lee Hooker, Mick Jagger, Jimi Hendrix, Tom Waits, and Thom Yorke.
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