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Vintage Miscellaneous

Vintage Miscellaneous Guitars For sale

20 Vintage Miscellaneous for sale from dealers, builders and luthiers

Year Highest

Vintage Miscellaneous Guitars For sale

This section of our website contains all of the miscellaneous guitars for sale…i.e. the ones that are so exotic that they won’t fit into any other of our guitar sections. These can range from double neck guitars to 12 stringed bass guitars. So whether you want acoustic or electric, flat-top or archtop or 6 stringed or 12 stringed, miscellaneous would be always be a good place to look.

At we have lots of Vintage and Custom guitars for sale from our vendors so it’s always best to check the miscellaneous section for a guitar you might fancy. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Always check back on as our listings are constantly updating.