Vintage 4 string
A.C. Zemaitis Alembic Alusonic Ampeg Aria Ashley Pangborn Baldwin / Burns Baldwin Burns Bassart Guitars Bc Rich Boerjes Breedlove Burns Carvin Clern Coral (Danelectro) Dan Armstrong Danelectro Davoli Wandre DeArmond By Guild Defil Defil Earnie Ball Eko Eko Epiphone Esh Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fibenare Framus FredAsh Gary Kramer Guitars Gene Simmons Gibson Guild Guild H.S. Anderson Hagstrom Hagstrom Guitars Hahn Hahn Guitars Hofner Ibanez Ibanez Jackson Jerry Jones John Bolin John Bolin Jolana K-Line Kay Kramer Guitars Kubicki Kustom Lakland Line 6 Lundgren Guitar Pickups Masetti Meazzi Mike Lull Modulus Mosrite Music Man Music Man Musicman Paul Reed Smith Prs Peavey PRS Rick Turner Rickenbacker Rock 'n Roll Relics Roden Roland Roland Rufini Guitars Sadowsky Sandberg Sandberg Schecter Scheltema Boutique Guitars Schloff Guitars Spector Squier Stoll Guitars Suhr Suhr T Bass Trace Elliot Tao Guitars Teisco Teisco Del Rey Travis Bean Travis Bean Guitars Vox Vox Vuorensaku Guitars Wal Wandre Wandre Davoli Washburn Wilson Zemaitis

Vintage 4 string Basses For sale
Four stringed bass’s are a type of bass with; you guessed it, four strings. They have an alternate tuning to other types of bass guitars, which allows for an extended lower range. The strings can vary of different materials, like most other bass guitars, from flatwound strings to roundwound bass strings.
Bass’s have a lot of accessories that can be put on ranging from magnetic pickups to frets. You can find these for sale in the parts and accessories section for bass’s on our website, Four stringed bass’s are suitable for any style of music, especially Jazz, and date back to the 1920’s.
So if a four stringed bass sounds like a bass for you, then pick one up from our listings, supplied by one of our vendors. And remember, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, always check back as our listings update regularly.
514 Vintage 4 string for sale from dealers, builders and luthiers