Rickenbacker Lefthand Basses For sale
Rickenbacker has gone down in history as the company that first put the electric guitar into general production. These guitars, the A-25 Hawaiian guitars (frequently referred to as the “frying pan guitars”) were rounder than the popular electric solid-bodies would later be, and they were played in the lap due to their awkward shape, but they were the first model to grace the mainstream market and were produced from 1931 to 1939. With the experience of creating this guitar, which had problems tuning in the heat, Rickenbacker switched to a synthetic material and created a new model that was a solid piece of wood from neck through body - a move that eventually became synonymous with the name Rickenbacker. Other models included the Combo 400, the 600 series, and the Capri series.
All of the Beatles have owned Rickenbacker guitars; John and George played electrics, Ringo received one as a gift from John, and Paul played a left-handed electric bass.