Vintage Classical
A.J.Lucas Amalie Burguet Amalio Burguet Antonio Lopez Armin & Mario Gropp Artesano Asturias Brian Cohen Bruno Bancheri C.F. Morrison Cashimira Condal Donnat Guitares Eko Epiphone Francisco Bros Garcia Guitars Gibson Custom Shop Greven Hopf Ibanez JJB Electronics John Gilbert Jose Gonzalez Jose Ramirez Juan Pimentel Ramirez Kenneth Brogger Lance Litchfield 2000 No600/45 Luis Guerrero Guitars M. Suzuki Manuel Rodrigues Martin Martin CUSTOM SHOP Martin CUSTOM SHOP MARTIN CUSTOM SHOP Martin CUSTOM SHOP Martin CUSTOM SHOP Martinez Mozzani Luigi Olivier Pozzo Luthier Orlando Raponi Parlor Per Sandström Ramirez Romeo Creations Sakurai Kohno Telesforo Julve Thomas Fredholm Guitars

Vintage Classical Guitars For sale
A Classical guitar can play an assortment of musical styles including classical music. Classical guitars tend to be played from a seated position using fingers to pluck the guitar. They are strung with nylon strings, and the way the classical guitar is held allows for easier use of playing chord forms and also helps with less string interference.
An extended range classical guitar is the same as the normal classical guitar, apart from the fact it can have up to 13 strings. Classical guitars date back centuries, with modernisation of the classical guitar being established by Antonio de Torres Jurado. has a wide range of Vintage and Custom classical guitars for sale from many of our vendors. And remember, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, check back regularly with our listings, as we update them regularly.