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Vintage Electric solid body

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NO NAME 42nd Street Guitars A.J.Lucas A.J.Lucas Airline AJ Lucas ALDEN American Showster Guitars Ampeg Aria Aria Ariston Ariston Rex Bartolini Ariston Rex Bartolini Arrenbie Guitars Arrenbie Guitars Asama Aspen Baboushka Guitars Baker B1 Baldwin Bassart Guitars Bassart Guitars Bc Rich Bc Rich Bell & Hern Bjork Guitars BobBurst Bona Bona Bona Guitars Bona Guitars Bona Guitars Bona Guitars Bona Guitars Bond Guitars - Scotland Brua Burns Burns Burns Burns Baldwin Burns Baldwin Burns Guitars Burny California Callaham Camel Caramel’s Guitar Kitchen Cardinal Cardinal Carino Carvin Guitars CG Lutherie Chapter Guitars Charvel Chris Larsen Clern Clern Clern CLERN Clern Clern Clern Clern Clern Clern Clern Clern Clern Clern Clern Clern Clern Clern Collings Condor Crews Maniac Sound Crucianelli Custom Luthier Made D'angelico Guitars D'pergo Dan Armstrong (ampeg) Guitars Danelectro Danelectro Danelectro/Silvertone Dark Matter By Red Rocket Guitars Dean Guitars Dean Guitars Defil Deimel Guitarworks DeTemple Spirit Series Di Donato Guitars Dick Dijkman Didonato Diego Don Grosh Dorian Dreamer Guitarworks Driskill DSG Dunable Guitars Eastman EASTMAN EASTMAN Eastman Guitars EBG Instruments Echopark Eko Eko Electra Epiphone Epiphone Ergon Guitars Erlewine Ernie Ball Ernie Ball Music Man Ernie Ball Music Man Esp Esp Guitars ESP Japan Custom Shop ESP USA Custom Shop ESP USA Custom Shop ESP USA Custom Shop Evh Fano Feline Fender CS Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender Custom Shop Fender Custom Shop Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender Custom Shop Fender Custom Shop FENDER CUSTOM SHOP Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender Custom Shop FENDER CUSTOM SHOP Fender Custom Shop FENDER CUSTOM SHOP Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender Custom Shop Fender Custom Shop Fender Custom Shop Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender Custom Shop Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender Custom Shop Fender Custom Shop Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender Custom Shop Fender Custom Shop Fender Custom Shop Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender Custom Shop Fender Custom Shop Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender Custom Shop Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender CUSTOM SHOP Fender Japan Fender Kurt Cobain Fender Masterbuilt Fender Squier Fernandes Fibenare Floyd Rose Frank Hartung Guitars Frank Hartung Guitars Frank Hartung Guitars FredAsh FredAsh FredAsh FredAsh FredAsh FredAsh Freedom Custom Guitar Research Fremediti Guitars Fremediti Guitars Fugigen G & L G And L G&B Art G&L G&l Galaxis Gamble Guitars Ganson Gary Kramer Guitars GB Liuteria GB Liuteria GB Liuteria GB Liuteria GB Liuteria GB Liuteria GB Liuteria Gherson Gibson Custom GIBSON CUSTOM Gibson Custom Shop Gibson Custom Shop Gil Yaron Gittler GLADDEN Glass Master GLAYN Gmp Guitars Godwin Godwin Gordon Smith Gordon Smith Guitars Grainger Guitars Greco Gretsch Gretsch Guitars Gretsh Grosh Guitars Grubisa Guitars Guild Guild Hagstrom Hagstrom Hagstrom Kent Hahn Guitars Hamer Hamer Hamer Guitars Hamer USA Hans Guitars Harmonia Harmony Harmony Hendrix Vintage Henman Guitars Heritage Heritage Heritage Heritage Heritage Guitars Herlin Hofner Hofner Hohner Hopf Hoyer Hugh Manson Husemoen Guitars Husemoens Gitarmakeri Ibanez Ibanez Ibanez Guitars Isana Jackson Jackson Jackson Guitars Jailbreak Guitars James Trussart James Trussart Jason Z Schroeder Jens Ritter Jimmy Wallace JJL Guitars John Hiatt Owned Washburn K-Line Katar Kauer Kauer Kauer Kauer Guitars Kauffmann Guitars Kay Knaggs Kramer LAG Larose Guitars Leather Guitars Leo Guitars Leo Luthier's Choice Lewis Trower Liquid Metal Guitars Lundgren Guitar Pickups M.O.V. Guitars Macmull Guitars Macpherson Guitars Malmberg Malmberg Malmberg Malmberg Marceau Guitars Marinucci Mario Cecil Guitars Mario Cecil Guitars Mario Guitars Maybach Mayones Guitars MC Guitars MC Guitars Meazzi Melobar Miller Morgan Morsola Morsola Morsola Morsola Mosrite Mosrite Murray Kuun Music Man Musicman Musicman Usa My Dream Partcaster Nash Nash Guitars National Navigator Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Nik Huber Guitars Noble Norwegian Wood Series Oopegg Orville By Gibson Pablo Sánchez Otero Guitars Paoletti Paoletti Paoletti Guitars Parker Parker Partscaster Patrick James Eggle Patrick James Eggle Paul Reed Smith Paul Reed Smith Paul Reed Smith Guitars Paul Reed Smith PRS Paul Reed Smith Prs Pavel Musical Instruments Pearl Peavey Peavey Peavey EVH Peavey Guitars Pereira Performance Guitar Pierrick Brua PJD Guitars PJD Guitars PJD Guitars PMC Guitars PRS PRS PRS PRS PRS PRS PRS PRS PRS PRS PRS PRS PRS PRS PRS - Paul Reed Smith PRS - Paul Reed Smith PRS - Paul Reed Smith Prs Guitars Prs Paul Reed Smith PRS Paul Reed Smith PRS Private Stock Ramos Guitars Real Guitars Reani Reani Reani Reani Reani Reani Reani Reani Custom Reani Guitars Red Rocket Guitars Relish Guitars Relish Guitars Relish Guitars Relish Guitars Renaissance Guitars Reverend Rex Ariston Rickenbacker Rickenbacker Rickenbacker Guitars Rockster Roland Roland Synt Roland Synthesizer Guitars Ronin Rufini Fine Instruments Rufini Guitars Ruokangas Ruokangas Guitars Sadowsky Sakai Saundsation Schecter Schecter Guitars Schecter USA Scheltema Boutique Guitars Scheltema Boutique Guitars Scheltema Boutique Guitars Scheltema Boutique Guitars Scheltema Boutique Guitars Schloff Guitars Schwung Guitars Seth Baccus Guitars Shabat Guitars Sid Poole Sid Poole Sid Poole Siggi Braun Silvertone Skrettas Guitars Skrettas Guitars Smitty Custom Guitars Smitty Guitars Smitty Guitars Sonnemo Sonnemo Soultool Soultool Customized Guitars Squier Steinberger Steinberger Guitars Strandberg Suhr Suhr Guitars Supernovafx Teisco Del Rey Tulip ToKeep Supro Suzuki Tao Guitars Tao Guitars Tausch Guitars TC Ellis Guitars Teisco Terry Morgan Terry Rogers Guitars Teuffel Teuffel Guitars Thomas Ochs Guitars Tman Guitars TMG Guitar Tokai Tokai Tom Anderson Tom Anderson Tonfuchs Guitars Trussart UMA Guitars UMA Guitars UMA Guitars UMA Guitars Uma Guitars UMA Guitars UMA Guitars UMA Guitars UMA Guitars Valenti Guitars Valenti Guitars Valenti Guitars Valenti Guitars Valenti Guitars Valenti Guitars Valenti Guitars Valenti Guitars Valley Arts Valley Arts Valley Arts Guitars Vantage Varita USA Versoul Versoul Viitasaari Guitars Vintage Vivitone Vox Vuorensaku Vuorensaku Guitars Vuorensaku Guitars Wandre Wandre Davoli Warrior Guitars Washburn WATIKINS WEM Westerberg Westerberg Westerberg Westerberg Westerberg Westerberg Westerberg Westerberg Guitars Wild Customs Winyard Guitars Woody Woodcasters Xotic Yamaha Yamaha Zemaitis ZeroSette Zion Zodiac

Vintage Electric solid body Guitars For sale offers a wide range of Vintage and Custom electric solid body guitars for sale that could fit your needs. An electric solid body guitar can be used for most genres of music, so it could be the guitar for you! Can’t find what you want? Check back often as our page updates regularly.

An electric solid body guitar works in a strange ways. They have no hollowness inside to accommodate for vibration and no sound holes, like those in chambered bodies, so that the strings also won’t vibrate. Electric solid bodied guitars are mainly made up of hardwood and lacquer, and it can take from 3 to 6 months for the wood to be ready to be moulded. The string vibrations are picked up and converted to an electric signal, then fed to an amplifier, where the sound of the guitar will be fed outwards so that we can hear. Electric solid bodied guitars have to keep the kilohertz low enough so that humans can hear the sound.

2442 Vintage Electric solid body for sale from dealers, builders and luthiers

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