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Taylor Miscellaneous Guitars For sale

Bob Taylor of Taylor guitars is best known for creating a variety of acoustic and acoustic-electric guitars, catering largely to a country and folk clientele.  Because the electric solid-body market was crowded with the likes of Fender and Gibson, Taylor waited until he could offer an innovation in design that no other guitar company could. 


In time, this innovation came, and it consisted of pickups that were tried and tested in his acoustic-electrics as well as a new bridge for the electric solid-body that was made completely of aluminum, creating an original feel and a much more sustainable pitch through extensive manipulation and playing.  The solid-body classic also has interchangeable pickup/pickguard units, demonstrating that Taylor more than found the innovation for which he was searching.


Trey Anastasio, Dave Matthews, Bryan Adams, Clint Black, and Mick Jagger have all played various models of Taylor guitars.