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Bacorn Guitars

Bacorn guitars Semi-hollow body Guitars For sale

Bacorn Guitars is a one-man show operated by Robert Bacorn of New York, who perhaps defines the word “luthier”.  The story of Bacorn's relationship with crafting string instruments is truly legendary-- at the age of 20, he created a mandolin out of cedar siding.  Since then, his skills have greatly improved, and now Bacorn creates instruments out of wood that is local to his region-- mahogany, spruce, maple, and birch. 


While he is best known for producing mandolins, mandocellos, and hollow-bodied guitars, Bacorn also makes custom Les Paul-style solid-body electrics.  These instruments have a deep resonance that is difficult to replicate, and Bacorn markets his guitars specifically to musicians who want something that is completely unique. 

0 Vintage Semi-hollow body for sale from dealers, builders and luthiers
