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Boss / FDR-1 Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb-Amp / Black / Effect For Sale

Boss FDR-1 Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb s/n BW35548 in near mint condition with box and owner's manual ( English ). Thoroughly tested and in perfect working order.

The BOSS FDR-1 Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb pedal is a compact stompbox designed with one purpose in mind—to sound and perform exactly like a 1965 Fender Deluxe Reverb amp. Considered one of the best guitar amplifiers ever produced, it’s a mainstay of vintage gear collectors and a true classic studio and stage amp. Recreating the Deluxe in a pedal sounds like a daunting task; but in collaboration with Fender, BOSS engineers brought their “A” game and a secret weapon—the incredible COSM technology—and nailed it.

Everything that’s in a Deluxe is in the FDR-1: the gain structure, that distinct tank reverb sound, the vibrato…everything. But don’t take our word for it—for BOSS to make this pedal, its tone and performance had to be approved by Fender. Among other things, this meant sitting in a sound room surrounded by Fender’s top tone gurus, where rumor has it that grown men cry when the sound is not up to expectations. Needless to say (but we’ll say it anyway), the FDR-1 passed the test with flying colors. So much so, in fact, that at one show where there was a side-by-side demonstration of the pedal and an actual Deluxe Reverb, the audience was hard pressed to tell which sound was which in a blind listening test.

Just like the actual amp, the BOSS FDR-1 can be used all by itself for different tones. But unlike the amp, you can also use it in combination with your own amp’s distinctive sound to make great new tones, or enhance the tones your amp already has to give it that true Fender tube sound. That said, let’s investigate just a few ways to use the FDR-1.

Using the FDR-1 as a Booster

This is a great way to get more tone from your amp. Some amps need a bit of external “oomph” to get the warm, crunchy sound that Fender amps in particular are known for. To do this, set your amp for a tone just about where it breaks up, then dial in the FDR-1 with the level knob.

You want the FDR-1 to hit the input of your amp just enough to take it over the edge, but with that Fender-y tone. Depending on the kind of pickups you have, you may need to tweak these settings a bit—maybe a little more or less gain and EQ. Experiment with the gain and output level on this one to find the sweet spot.

Using the FDR-1 as Your Main Tone Box

In this instance, you’re using the FDR-1 as if it were a physical ’65 Deluxe. Your amp, then, is more like a PA—you just want it to make the pedal’s tone bigger, but not change it. To accomplish this, set your amp up for a clean and neutral sound.

In setting the FDR-1, you have a few different ways to go. Deluxe amps have a very musical clean sound, as well as a famous crunchy distortion sound. For that classic distortion, this is a situation where there is a big benefit to using the pedal. Since an actual ’65 Deluxe doesn’t have a master volume control, you have to turn the volume up past “stun” to get this sound; with the FDR-1, the LEVEL knob acts as the master output volume control, so you can easily get this cranked-amp sound at any volume.

To get a classic Fender clean tone, set the FDR-1’s GAIN knob relatively low—nine o’clock is a good place to start—and then adjust the LEVEL knob as desired. (Don’t turn it up too high, or you might cause your amp’s input to distort, as we discussed in the booster tip.) To get a crunchy distortion, crank up the GAIN knob and turn down the LEVEL.

Authentic Fender Surf Tone

The Deluxe is definitely the go-to amp to get this classic, drenched-with-reverb tone. If you’ve seen Pulp Fiction, you know what that tone is.

Some surf players like to add vibrato to this famous sound. Here’s the procedure to dial it in:

  1. Turn up the VIBRATO knob. This adjusts the volume of the vibrato effect.
  2. Press and hold the FDR-1’s pedal down for at least two seconds. This will tell the FDR-1 that you want to adjust the rate of the vibrato.
  3. At this point, there are two ways to adjust the rate: you can either tap the pedal switch at the tempo you want, or turn the VIBRATO knob while holding the switch down. The second method can be a little more precise.
  4. When you’re done, press the pedal switch for two seconds again to exit this mode.

A technical note: the Deluxe Reverb’s vibrato effect is really a tremolo effect, since it produces volume modulation and not pitch modulation. But Fender has always called it vibrato, so it’s called vibrato in the FDR-1 as well.

Swampy Southern Tone

Now that you know how to adjust the vibrato, you can dial in this vintage sound. The illustration has the reverb turned down, but it won’t hurt to add a bit if you like.

Using the FDR-1 as an Additional Channel in Your Vintage Fender Amp

The good news about vintage Fender amps (and pretty much every other tube combo amp of that era) is that they have great tone. The drawback is that they don’t have the modern feature of channel switching, so it can be tough to get a good lead tone when you have it dialed in for a great clean sound. But since the FDR-1 has that legit Fender tone down, you could easily incorporate one into your vintage rig, using it as the other channel you wish you had just by turning the pedal on or off.

This is just a suggestion, of course. If this isn’t doing it for you, go for what works best.

BEP - Boutique Effect Pedals, Netherlands  

Contact name:
Boss, Ibanez, DOD, Pearl, Schaller, Maestro
Dutch, English, Espanol, German
Vintage and Rare effect pedals
Opening hours:
12:00 - 19-00

Bienvenidos a nuestro monasterio BEP, donde yo, junto con otros monjes cazadores de pedales muy bien formados y educados, estamos en la búsqueda del pedal más sagrado de todos. BEP se especializa en pedales de efectos vintage y boutique. Actualmente, nuestro principal objetivo es vender pedales de efectos fuera de la UE debido a las normas fiscales confusas dentro de la UE, con las que nos enfrentamos actualmente. Cuando se resuelvan estos problemas fiscales, volveremos a realizar envíos dentro de la UE. Sin embargo, el lado positivo es que BEP realiza envíos regulares a EE.UU. UU., Canadá, Japón, China y Australia con costos de envío subvencionados por nuestra parte, por lo que estas normas fiscales confusas dejan de ser válidas. A partir de junio de 2021, BEP ha sido honrado con la distinción de convertirse en distribuidor oficial de pedales de efectos Ibanez, GuitarSystems y MTFX. BEP ha aceptado estas oportunidades y nos gustaría que otros fabricantes de pedales se pusieran en contacto con nosotros. En BEP tenemos nuestro propio departamento de reparaciones, por lo que todos los pedales se han enviado después de haber sido probados varias veces. Algunos nos llaman el Louvre de los pedales de efectos vintage, pero otros preferirían el Versalles de los pedales de efectos vintage gobernados por Miss Domina XXL XIV. Antes de que se envíe su pedal o compra, se probará para detectar problemas comunes, como interruptores de encendido/apagado pegajosos, potenciómetros agrietados, clips de batería sueltos, etc. Estas pruebas se grabarán en video, principalmente para la participación de los clientes de Reverb, pero estará disponible si lo solicita. De acuerdo con el plan de protección de Reverb, está cubierto durante 7 días después de la entrega. Si surge algún problema, comuníquese con nosotros primero. Tenga en cuenta que todo el trabajo de BEP está protegido por derechos de autor, incluidas las fotografías, el texto y las descripciones. gracias


Welcome to our monastery BEP where i amongst other well trained and highly educated pedal hunting monks are on a quest to find the holiest of all pedals.

We're processing 1300 vintage effect pedals so keep a watch out !!!!

BEP specialises in Vintage and Boutique effect pedals. Currently our main focus is selling effect pedals outside the EU because of fuzzy tax rules within the EU, which we are currently dealing with. When these tax issues are cleared then we will be shipping within the EU again. On the sunny side however .... BEP ships regularly to the USA, Canada, Japan, China, Australia with subsidised shipping costs at our end, so these fuzzy tax rules become non valid.
As of June 2021 BEP has been graced to become an official dealer of Ibanez, GuitarSystems and MTFX effect pedals. BEP has accepted these opportunities and we would welcome other pedal manufacturers to contact us. At BEP we have our own repair department so all pedals have been shipped after been tested several times. Some folks call us the Louvre of vintage effect pedals, but others would prefer the Versailles of Vintage effect pedals ruled by Miss Domina XXL the XIV. Before your pedal or purchase is shipped it will be tested on common issue's such as sticky on/off switches, cracky pots, loose battery clips etc etc. These tests will be recorded on video, mainly for Reverb's customers engagement, but will be made available on your request. According to Reverb's protection plan you're covered for 7 days after delivery. If any issue's arise please contact us first. Please beware that all BEP’s work is copyright protected, including photo’s and text, descriptions. Thank you


Our pedals are sold on a personal level and are thoroughly tested on battery power and with an adapter. These tests include sticky on/off switches and cracky potmeters and all tests are recorded on video. Before any pedal is shipped we make sure that they work 100%.If for any reason your ordered pedal is not working properly then please contact us first, so we'll make sure the correct Power Supply Unit is used ( Boss ACA vs PSA Adapters for example ).  Please do not open the pedal yourself, not even for a battery replacement, unless it has a separate battery compartment such as regular Boss pedals, but contact us first. If you do open the pedal we can not accept a return. 

Nuestros pedales se venden a nivel personal y se prueban minuciosamente con la alimentación por batería y con un adaptador. Estas pruebas incluyen interruptores de encendido y apagado pegajosos y potenciómetros que crujen, y todas las pruebas se graban en video. Antes de enviar cualquier pedal, nos aseguramos de que funcione al 100 %.Si por alguna razón el pedal que pediste no funciona correctamente, contáctanos primero, para que nos aseguremos de que se use la fuente de alimentación correcta (por ejemplo, adaptadores Boss ACA o PSA). No abras el pedal tú mismo, ni siquiera para reemplazar la batería, a menos que tenga un compartimento de batería separado, como los pedales Boss normales, pero contáctanos primero. Si abres el pedal, no podemos aceptar una devolución.


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