Burriss Amps / Boostiest II / Black / Effect
Burriss Boostiest II:
The Burriss Boostiest II is a combination of two totally independent gain pedals in a single enclosure. On the right side (input side) is a fully adjustable clean gain pre-amp. On the left side (output side) is a "TS"-flavored overdrive circuit. Both circuits feed from the same power source, a single 9V battery or a standard 9-volt negative-center wall-wart power supply. This power source is divided and stepped up to a 16V ~ 18V operating voltage for the clean gain boost side, and lowered or "browned out" for the overdrive circuit. Bob Burriss believes that this topography gives the best combination for a big, clean tone and a fatter overdrive tone. Both circuits are true bypass and can be used alone or together.
>Boostiest II PDF Instructions<
Burriss Amps, USA
Hand Wired Tube Amplifiers
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