Electro-harmonix / Big Muff Pi V7 (Black Russian) / Black / Effect For Sale

Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi V8 Black Russian Small Box 4 screw version in excellent condition with original wooden box as used by Chris Wolstenholme of MUSE. Thoroughly tested and in full working order.

Quote from Kitrae website ;

Circa 1999 to 2009
Circuit Board Number: BM-1-01.00.001, 3.000.0001
Circuit Designer: Based on Bob Myer's original circuit 
Editions: 2. First edition with heavy six screw box, and second edition with four screw light weight box 
True Bypass: First edition no, second edition yes 
Power: 9V battery only. To connect to a standard Boss type AC power supply, use a 9V battery adaptor like the 1 Spot CBAT. See POWER section below. 
Enclosure Size: 6 1/2" long x 4 3/4" wide x 2"tall / 165mm long x 118mm wide x 50.5mm tall (not including rubber feet) 
Packaging: Wood crate box with Russian lettering. Graphics were different than the previous wood box. Later changed to a corrugated cardboard box with orange printing
Place of Manufacture: St Petersburg, Russia

This small box black Big Muff was the final version of the Russian made Big Muffs. The circuit was a favorite for modders because it was very easy to change components for customizing the tone and gain. It was essentially the same circuit as the Large Box Black Russian and the Bubble Font Green Russian that preceeded it. It sold for much less than the reissue USA Big Muffs that were made at the same time, but the costs for New Sensor to have these made in Russia had increased over the years. This resulted in smaller, cheaper, and less expensive enclosure boxes than all the previous Russian Big Muffs. Unfortunately, the manufacturing costs the St. Petersburg factory charged New Sensor eventually outweighed the demand, so the V8 was discontinued in 2009. The introduction of the USA made Bass Big Muff, based on the Russian circuit, was one possible cause for the decline in sales for the Russian made Big Muffs, but overall E-H was not happy with the Russian build quality. A future collectible? Almost certainly.

GRAPHICS AND COLORS - For the Version 8 first edition, the graphics remained the same as the later production large-box V7 Revision D version listed above. For some first editions and all second editions, MADE IN RUSSIA on the back panel was moved under the input jack and the fonts changed. The graphics on the wood crate these shipped in changed to the "CE" version pictured below. The CE marking certified that a product has met EU (European Union of 27 member states with an economic and political standard) consumer safety, health or environmental requirements.

CONTROLS / KNOBS - The V8 used the same “chicken head” style knobs as the previous version. All V8 Muffs used the small foots witches, which were imported from the USA.

CIRCUIT - Same circuit as the third edition Bubble Font Green Russian, and Large Box Black Russian, with new PCB trace art. The PCB number remained the same as before on early units (#BM-1-01.00.001), but later changed to Russian letters for RBEM (Russian Big Muff) and #3.000.001.

Transistors used were NPN BC549Cs or C547C type.
Capacitors were usually film type. No electrolytics were used, other than the polarized 20-22uF power supply filter cap.
Resistors were metal film, with some carbon composition type used.
Some first editions are true bypass. All second editions were true bypass.
The input and output jacks remained in the reverse position like the previous third edition Green Russian Big Muffs, due to the pcb being mounted upside down.
Some early pcb's have a hand written serail number and date on them. The number (up to four digits) is the number for that production run, then there are two digits for the week or month of the year, a period or foreward slash mark, then two digits for the year.
POWER - Power was from a 9V battery only. A red LED light shows when the circuit is on. To connect to a standard Boss type AC power supply, use a 9V 100mA battery adaptor like the 1 Spot CBAT. If you intend to add a standard 9V power jack that works with standard negative tip power supplies, you can find out where to wire the + and - wires by looking at the wiring diagram for your version, or simply follow the red (+) and black (-) wires from the battery snap.

ENCLOSURE BOX - For Version 8, the black and yellow Big Muff moved into a slightly smaller box. The first edition of this box was a heavy duty six screw box, nearly exactly like it's predecessor, but not as tall. Later a second edition came out with an even lighter weight, four screw box design. The input and output jacks remained in the reverse position like the previous Green and Black Russian Big Muffs. Four rubber feet were screwed to the bottom. Some of the later boxes have four digit date stickers inside the box lids. The first two digits are the week of the year and second two are the year. It is unknown if these are final build dates or dates the lids were made or finished. Regardless, the date indicates the pedal could not have been built any earlier than this date.

V8 Big Muffs, both first and second editions, shipped in a wood crate with "CE" version graphics, different from the previous version 7 Big Muffs. Packaging later switched to a less expensive corrugated cardboard box until the end of production.

BEP - Boutique Effect Pedals, Netherlands  

Contact name:
Boss, Ibanez, DOD, Pearl, Schaller, Maestro
Dutch, English, Espanol, German
Vintage and Rare effect pedals
Opening hours:
12:00 - 22-00

Bienvenidos a nuestro monasterio BEP, donde yo, junto con otros monjes cazadores de pedales muy bien formados y educados, estamos en la búsqueda del pedal más sagrado de todos. BEP se especializa en pedales de efectos vintage y boutique. Actualmente, nuestro principal objetivo es vender pedales de efectos fuera de la UE debido a las normas fiscales confusas dentro de la UE, con las que nos enfrentamos actualmente. Cuando se resuelvan estos problemas fiscales, volveremos a realizar envíos dentro de la UE. Sin embargo, el lado positivo es que BEP realiza envíos regulares a EE.UU. UU., Canadá, Japón, China y Australia con costos de envío subvencionados por nuestra parte, por lo que estas normas fiscales confusas dejan de ser válidas. A partir de junio de 2021, BEP ha sido honrado con la distinción de convertirse en distribuidor oficial de pedales de efectos Ibanez, GuitarSystems y MTFX. BEP ha aceptado estas oportunidades y nos gustaría que otros fabricantes de pedales se pusieran en contacto con nosotros. En BEP tenemos nuestro propio departamento de reparaciones, por lo que todos los pedales se han enviado después de haber sido probados varias veces. Algunos nos llaman el Louvre de los pedales de efectos vintage, pero otros preferirían el Versalles de los pedales de efectos vintage gobernados por Miss Domina XXL XIV. Antes de que se envíe su pedal o compra, se probará para detectar problemas comunes, como interruptores de encendido/apagado pegajosos, potenciómetros agrietados, clips de batería sueltos, etc. Estas pruebas se grabarán en video, principalmente para la participación de los clientes de Reverb, pero estará disponible si lo solicita. De acuerdo con el plan de protección de Reverb, está cubierto durante 7 días después de la entrega. Si surge algún problema, comuníquese con nosotros primero. Tenga en cuenta que todo el trabajo de BEP está protegido por derechos de autor, incluidas las fotografías, el texto y las descripciones. gracias


Welcome to our monastery BEP where i amongst other well trained and highly educated pedal hunting monks are on a quest to find the holiest of all pedals.

We're processing 1300 vintage effect pedals so keep a watch out !!!!

BEP specialises in Vintage and Boutique effect pedals. Currently our main focus is selling effect pedals outside the EU because of fuzzy tax rules within the EU, which we are currently dealing with. When these tax issues are cleared then we will be shipping within the EU again. On the sunny side however .... BEP ships regularly to the USA, Canada, Japan, China, Australia with subsidised shipping costs at our end, so these fuzzy tax rules become non valid.
As of June 2021 BEP has been graced to become an official dealer of Ibanez, GuitarSystems and MTFX effect pedals. BEP has accepted these opportunities and we would welcome other pedal manufacturers to contact us. At BEP we have our own repair department so all pedals have been shipped after been tested several times. Some folks call us the Louvre of vintage effect pedals, but others would prefer the Versailles of Vintage effect pedals ruled by Miss Domina XXL the XIV. Before your pedal or purchase is shipped it will be tested on common issue's such as sticky on/off switches, cracky pots, loose battery clips etc etc. These tests will be recorded on video, mainly for Reverb's customers engagement, but will be made available on your request. According to Reverb's protection plan you're covered for 7 days after delivery. If any issue's arise please contact us first. Please beware that all BEP’s work is copyright protected, including photo’s and text, descriptions. Thank you


Our pedals are sold on a personal level and are thoroughly tested on battery power and with an adapter. These tests include sticky on/off switches and cracky potmeters and all tests are recorded on video. Before any pedal is shipped we make sure that they work 100%.If for any reason your ordered pedal is not working properly then please contact us first, so we'll make sure the correct Power Supply Unit is used ( Boss ACA vs PSA Adapters for example ).  Please do not open the pedal yourself, not even for a battery replacement, unless it has a separate battery compartment such as regular Boss pedals, but contact us first. If you do open the pedal we can not accept a return. 

Nuestros pedales se venden a nivel personal y se prueban minuciosamente con la alimentación por batería y con un adaptador. Estas pruebas incluyen interruptores de encendido y apagado pegajosos y potenciómetros que crujen, y todas las pruebas se graban en video. Antes de enviar cualquier pedal, nos aseguramos de que funcione al 100 %.Si por alguna razón el pedal que pediste no funciona correctamente, contáctanos primero, para que nos aseguremos de que se use la fuente de alimentación correcta (por ejemplo, adaptadores Boss ACA o PSA). No abras el pedal tú mismo, ni siquiera para reemplazar la batería, a menos que tenga un compartimento de batería separado, como los pedales Boss normales, pero contáctanos primero. Si abres el pedal, no podemos aceptar una devolución.


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