Fender / Jaguar / 1964 / Ocean Turquoise Refinish / Guitar


A very cool player grade vintage Jaguar from early ‘64. Body refinish in Ocean Turquoise over the original sunburst and a few other minor changes. Lots of vintage vibe for an affordable price. Full lowdown below.


Here is cool looking and affordable player grade Pre-CBS Jaguar from early '64. Originally a sunburst finished example it now sports an Ocean Turquoise body refinish which has been sprayed directly over the original sunburst. The refinish black lights like an old finish so was likely done quite a long time ago now. The back of the neck has also been lightly oversprayed possibly at the same time as the body refinish. The front and back of the headstock have not been oversprayed and the original decal is intact.


There has also been a relatively recent refret (there is very little fret wear) with medium jumbo wire and a new Graph Tech nut. The original frets and nut are included in the case for posterity. The volume pot has been replaced with a CTS pot dated to 1993, so it looks like this was replaced around this time. The ground wire has also been replaced and the top E tuner is an aged repro.


Aside from the above everything else is original including the original black bottom pick-ups and electrics (with the exception of the replaced volume pot and ground wire), original nitrate tortoiseshell guard and original hardware.


The neck has a nice medium C profile typical of 1963/64. The neck is dated to Jan 1964 and features a very nice dark Braz board and clay dots.


If you've been looking for a good player grade vintage Jaguar with cool looks and one that you could gig with without worrying too much about it then this one is well worth your consideration.


Comes in the original black tolex no logo case with all latches working. The leather ends have been replaced at some point but overall the case is in good condition.


Weight: 8lb 3oz
Pick up readings: neck 7.2k, bridge 7.2k


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20th Century Toys, UK  

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Phil Bourne
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