Fender / Stratocaster Ex Gary Moore / 1987 / Guitar

A very nice Strat just came into the shop - it was previously owned and played by Neil Jones of Amen Corner - I have documentation stating Neil got it from his brother-in-law Andy Fairweather Low. Andy bought the guitar from a Fender dealer in London and it was originally owned by Gary Moore!

The guitar is a c.1987 Japanese Strat (all original) in fiesta red, rosewood fretboard, vintage 1950's single ply white pickguard (8 hole), gotoh tuners, 2 graphite black string trees.

Just serviced and set up the guitar and its a great instrument.

Instrument sold

TC Ellis Guitars, Ltd., UK  

Contact name:
Tim Ellis
TC Ellis Guitars
Custom Builds, Repairs, Setups
Opening hours:
9.30-5.00 M-F 9.30-3.00 Sat

My mission is to create the highest quality electric guitar for the most affordable price.

My instruments are custom designed and hand finished in the UK to fit the precise requirements of each individual guitar player's wishes, but without the high cost you would expect see at this level of craftsmanship. I use the exact same production process as the big name guitar manufacturers, using the finest woods, electronics and hardware.

My luthiers and I have decades of hands-on guitar building and “fine tuning” which insures that our guitars deliver the best possible guitar at these incredible prices.

TONE - Vintage sensibilities come together with design innovation for tone that satisfies the most discriminating players.

STYLE - My guitars are an extension of your musical and stylistic individuality, a unique voice in a sea of clones.

VALUE - I put extensive research and development into my products to raise the level of performance. That is why my guitars are often compared to gear costing several times more.

SERVICE - A product is only as good as the people who stand behind it. My philosophy is simple: treat customers the same way I want to be treated.

I have been building, collecting & playing guitars all my life. My collection has become quite extensive ranging from Stratocasters from the 50's, 60's, and 70's to more exotic guitars such as D'angelico, D'aquisto, Zemaitis, Fender & Gibson Custom Shop, and my Birdfish made by Ulrich Teuffel shown below.

I have spent years refining techniques to make my guitars play and sound as good as possible. My guitars have to pass the basic criteria: Sound, Playability, Looks and Affordability. I utilise my collection to take precise measurements of the construction and setup from world class guitars and transfer these onto my own guitars.

The kind of setup performed on a £10,000+ Custom Guitar is the same as the setup I perform on all my guitars (see setup section) regardless of the cost of the guitar. I also perform these setups on my customers own guitars - a well setup guitar is a pleasure to play and hear.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


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