Fender / Vibro Champo / 1980 / Silverface / Amp
Clean and all original 1980s Fender Vibro Champ all-tube amplifier in very good condition for its age. Nice and light-weight, reliable practise amp with great, Fender-typical clean sound also suitable for small gigs or Studio as well. Great value for a ca. 40(!) year old, american made - "handwired" all-tube amplifier!
Techn. details:
- Model: Vibro Champ / 110V
- Black Tolex
- Silver waven frontgrill
- Silverface frontpanel with blue lettering
- 1x orig. 6" Fender-design speaker
- Serialnr.: A820871
- Tubechart: 5Y3GT/6V6GT/12AX7A/12AX7A
- 1x Channel: Volumen/Treble/Bass/Speed/Intensity
- 2x Inputs
- Incl. dustcover
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