Fender / Vibrosonic Reverb / 1972 / Black / Amp For Sale
Fender Vibrosonic Rev Silver Face,1x15"JBL,100w Master Vol,RARE code am380
1972 Vibrosonic Reverb Configurazione: Combo Pannello: Argento con scritte blu Controlli frontali: Normal: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Mid, Bass - Vibrato: In, In, Bright Sw, Vol, Treb, Bass, Rev, Speed, Intensity - Master Vol - Lampadina di accensione Controlli posteriori: AC Outlet, Ground Sw, Fuse (2½A), Power Sw, Standby Sw, Speaker Jack, Ex. Speaker Jack, Vibrato Jack, Reverb Jack, Reverb Out, Reverb In Manopole: Nere con cromatura centrale, numerate da 1 a 10 Cabinet: 20" x 26 3/4" x 10 5/8" (50.8 x 67.9 x 27 cm) Peso: 85 lbs (38.6 Kg) Altoparlanti/carico: 1 x 15"/4 ohms Modelli Altoparlanti: Fender PS-15 (72-74), JBL D-130F (74-79), Electro Voice (79-81) or Gauss 15" Effetti: Reverb, Tremolo Output: 100 or 135 (77-82) Watts Valvole di Preamp: Normal: 7025 Vibrato: 7025, ½ 7025 Valvole del Finale: 4 x 6L6GC Bias: Fixed w/ Bias Pot. Rectifier: Solid State Phase Inverter: 12AT7 (long tailed) Altro: Reverb Driver: 12AT7 Reverb Recovery: ½ 7025 Tremolo: 12AX7(photoresistor) Commenti: Negli ultimi modelli sono state aggiunte: Uscita Line out, potenziometro hum balance, e un Boost Switch sulla manopola del Master Volume.
Hendrix Guitars, Italy
Hendrix Vintage is the first Vintage Collector in Italy with the best Vintage instruments Guitars Bass Amplifiers Effects carefully inspected to guarantee originality and high quality since 1978. All info in site: www.hendrixguitars.com
and also see: http://www.hendrixguitars.com/HendrixVintage.htm
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