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Greuter Audio / Jumbo Fuzz V2 / Effect

The Jumbo Fuzz is a distortion/fuzz, driven by 4 silicon transistor and diodes. It’s based on an italian copy of an early Big Muff from the 70’s. It produces nice distortions to fat fuzz tones. It responses very well to your guitar volume knob. The Saturation knob controls the amount of distortion/fuzz from all the way left to 12 o’clock and after that it starts to compress into endless sustain. The Tone controll makes this pedal very versatile. Some people even say it’s like a blend between a Germanium and Silicon fuzz sound.One of the fattest sounding fuzz pedals around.It also sounds massive with bass guitar! Handbuilt in Switzerland, True Bypass, Switchcraft plugs, big knobs, hand selected, matched and biased silicon transistors. Volume: A lot of volume.Saturation: From distortion to compressed fuzz.Tone: From fat over scooped to mid pushed Works with  9V DC adapter (negativ tip). We suggest a regulated and isolated power supply. Version 2 (V2) is available now. It’s in a smaller box with top mounted jacks.
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