Homebrew Electronics / Hematoma Bass Overdrive/Pre-amp / Black / Effect
Price: USD 199,- / approx. € 141,-.
Two channel bass effect consisting of a Pre-amp and an Overdrive.
Pre-amp and Overdrive can be used independently or combined. Carefully constructed circuitry allows the original bass tone to pass through unaltered.
No loss of low end.
Pre-amp Features: Pre-gain control for up to 5db boost
Overdrive Features: Gain, Level, Tone and EQ Shift which changes the sweep of the tone control and provides a warmer smoother tone when engaged.
Homebrewelectronics, USA
HBE is a small company dedicated to building top quality custom guitar effects pedals. Each pedal is carefully hand crafted one at a time using only the highest quality components and the utmost attention to detail. HBE offers a wide range of effects blending vintage designs with modern technology