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Milkman Sound / 10W Pint Chocolate / Amp

The Pint is designed to add a little bit more power to the low power Half Pint circuit. A custom Mercury Magnetics output transformer allows for parallel single ended 6V6 output. The Pint delivers 10 clean watts and 18 snarling overdriven watts when the amp is pushed all the way. Like its little brother, reverb and tremolo and Class A single ended breakup is the name of the game. How about touch sensitivity and feel? The 5Y3 rectifier coupled with true class A design make the Pint the most touch sensitive Milkman amplifier to date.  A pair of 6V6 running in a single ended design piles on scoop after scoop of creamy even order harmonics.  Three speaker options help tailor the Pint to your unique style: Celestion Greenback 12 is a transparent sounding speaker. Bright, Lively, and efficient. This speaker has a big bottom even at low volume. This speaker has very little breakup and does not color the amp when driven.  The front end is similar to the Half Pint, with extended headroom, lush spring reverb, and deep output modulating tremolo. The amplifier is hand wired onto a turret board with Mercury Magnetics and Jupiter capacitors standard. WATTAGE 10W Class A  SPEAKER 12” 25W Celestion Greenback Speaker, 8 ohm EFFECTS Tube tremolo and spring reverbIncludes handwired original design detachable footswitch and 15' cable
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Malmö Musikaffär, Sweden  

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