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Rickenbacker / 4003 / 2023 / Candy Apple Green / Bass

To begin, I never call anything "mint," but this 4003 is about as close as you can get.

* Note- I just got a call from a good friend regarding this one of five bass. The bridges made in this run are fully adjustable, unlike the original bridges that came on a traditional 4003.

The reason I refer to this offering as a "mystery" is because the initial run of 30 Candy Apple Green basses were produced in 2019. All 30 were quickly gobbled up and stashed away in collections. What I cannot substantiate is the actual reason that 5 more were produced in 2023, with this bass being the very last one. I spoke to one of the few "in the know" Ricky guys and he suggested that some of the basses in the initial run had finish problems and these 5 basses were produced to replace them. I can neither confirm nor deny this tidbit, but it sounds reasonable to me.

Yep- this bass is the last man standing and the last one in this color to be offered by Rickenbacker again. It's a complete package, ladies and gents and along with the original case candy, the COA is ever-present as well as the original shipping box. We'll include this box, so the bass will arrive double-boxed and packed up super tight.

These small-batch Rickenbackers are like the high-end bourbons that not all of us can have so when the opportunity arrives, sometimes you just have to say "Screw it" and go get what you want. It's also Christmas time and there ain't nothing wrong with treating yourself!

Please take a look at the photos, let us know if you have any questions and as always, we thank you for stopping by!

Instrument sold

Southern Elk Music Co., USA  

Contact name:
Ray Mauldin
All Brands
Clean, Interesting and Original Guitars, Basses and Amps
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As the sister company to the world-famous GrinningElk Music Company, Southern Elk has arrived to explore a new territory in the vintage musical instrument landscape. From Limited Edition and Custom Shop guitars to vintage accessories, case candy and memorabilia, our focus will be on reaching a larger audience and assuring quick and satisfactory sales. Simply put, if you purchase something from us and walk away saying, "Man, now that was a cool deal," then our job is done! We love talking about all things guitar and bass-related- give us a call today- 404-895-3459. We're always buying and selling!

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