Seppuku / Bit Crushing-Pitchshifting-Fuzz / Effect
The Digital Pitch Modulator uses an 8-bit digital chip to create octave up, octave down, fifth note, ring modm arpeggio and bit crusher sounds and blends them with analog fuzz to make mind-blowing effects, for guitars, synths, or anything you can plug into it.
Oscillator Frequency:
Controls the pitch of the ring mod sound. Turning it back lowers the fidelity. When all switches point up, it controls speed of arpeggio/pitch jump sound
Digital Analog Blend:
Blends between modulated sounds and analog fuzz.
Toggle switches:
Control the pitch. Different combinations make different pitches.
Sound clips:
Price: $169 USD~approx.115€
Seppuku Fx, Australia
Hand-made guitar pedals from Australia.