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Tokai / Jazz Sound Bass, Relic Fretless / 1984 / Sunburst / Bass For Sale

Knowing that Fender Custom Shop Jaco relics go for $5850.00 new, I just had to stop in my tracks when I saw this bass for the first time. I'm not sure if it was made in what's considered the "lawsuit era," but it absolutely reflects the type of quality gear that was coming out of Japan in the late-'70s to mid-'80s.

I sat this bass on the table at the recent Orlando Guitar show and it was pulled down and played more than once. As a matter of fact, more than one of my basses were put to the test and all passed with flying colors. This bass has one of the most beautiful "Mwah" tones I've ever heard from a fretless bass and it sound so good, I left the black flatwounds on it. No need to monkey with something if it ain't broke. Ya feel me?

The relic'ing job on this bass is very well done and makes it a proper tribute to the Man himself. It adds to the visual appeal of the bass without overwhelming the condition and sunburst finish. If you are a fan of Mr. Pastorius and wish to explore his music with a fretless Jazz, then this may be one of the most reasonable and appealing instruments with which to do so. The bass has been detailed, set up and the hardshell case cleaned and detailed as well. Now, it's time for me to check out Joni Mitchell's 1979 "Shadows and Light" concert. If you will watch it, you'll get a new perspective on Jaco's playing in a group setting. It's nothing short of awesome...

Please take a look at the photos, let us know if you have any questions and as always, we thank you for stopping by!

Southern Elk Music Co., USA  

Contact name:
Ray Mauldin
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Clean, Interesting and Original Guitars, Basses and Amps
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As the sister company to the world-famous GrinningElk Music Company, Southern Elk has arrived to explore a new territory in the vintage musical instrument landscape. From Limited Edition and Custom Shop guitars to vintage accessories, case candy and memorabilia, our focus will be on reaching a larger audience and assuring quick and satisfactory sales. Simply put, if you purchase something from us and walk away saying, "Man, now that was a cool deal," then our job is done! We love talking about all things guitar and bass-related- give us a call today- 404-895-3459. We're always buying and selling!

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