Wout Bosma / Modern 17 2001 Cucciani Jazz Guitar / 2001 / Midnight Blue / Guitar For Sale
Modern 17″ model 2001 ‘Cucciani’ jazz guitar made by Wout Bosma.
Colour midnight blue. Top ceder, back-side and neck maple. Ebony tailpiece and fingerboard with side dots.
Stringlength 63 cm. Floating Statler pickup. Grover rotomatic tuners.
This guitar resides in Europe, this guitar wil be subject to charges if sent outside the EU.
Alnicofive.com, UK
The site and business is built around high-quality instruments and hardware at affordable prices.
All the instruments are hand built and finished some sourced in the UK , Europe and the US and Canada.
Some are stock items and some built to order, only two of the makers giving one year due to full order books.
Please contact me for further details